Thursday, November 15, 2012


Here are a few pictures of "Little Miss Rea" as Callie calls her.

Minutes old

Not so sure about what is going on

7 lbs 13 oz!

This bath stuff isn't so bad after all

Meeting Reagan for the first time

 Callie insisted on helping carry the car seat out of the hospital.

The fish tank in the lobby.  Before we could leave, we had to take a picture of the fish. 

And here is a video of Callie reading to Reagan the first night we were home from the hospital.  And every night since then, she has wanted Reagan in her room to read books with us.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Welcome Reagan!

Reagan Justine was born at 2:00 am on Wednesday, November 7th.  Official due date was Sun, Nov 4th, but she didn't care too much about that.  At my doctor appointment on Monday, everything looked good, and she estimated Reagan to be about 6.75 pounds. But she wanted me to get an ultrasound and be monitored at the hospital for about 30 minutes to check fluid levels and have a better idea of baby's health since I was over due.  I called to schedule the ultrasound and was able to get in the next day.  So Tuesday I leave work and head to the hospital with a book that I needed to read for a meeting on Wednesday.  While being monitored, everything looked great so I head over to get an ultrasound.  During the ultrasound, the technician said several times "She has no extra room in there!"  The technician said she thought she was done, but was going to go make sure she had everything she needed.  A few minutes later she comes back and tells me that she is sending me back to labor and delivery because of low fluids.  So I dove the 500 yards back to labor and delivery.  About 30 minutes later a room was ready, I was admitted, getting an IV and talking to the doctor.  I ordered dinner, ate, and then they started the pitocin.  Just after that Mike arrived with my somewhat packed hospital bag.  Mom, Dad, and Callie got dinner and then sopped by.  Callie was super excited that Reagan was coming-she stated that I was "going to let Reagan out of my tummy because she is too big."  She also said "This is so exciting." Callie was also very interested in everything the nurse was doing.  Within 5 minutes of being back the next morning, she asked where the lady was.  Callie was also very concerned when I got out of bed to use the restroom.  She quickly told me to get back in bed.  Mike then took Callie home to put her to bed.
I decided to get up and walk around.  I was just starting to feel the contractions around 8:30, but had to confirm that they really were contractions by checking the monitor.  But there were still many more I was not feeling.  At 10:00 the contractions became intense with no breaks in between and I asked for an epidural   It took at an hour and a half for the epidural to begin working and I was hot, sweaty, and nauseous. When it finally kicked in after lots of medicine, I took a nap.  The nurse came back and asked if she could check me because babies heartbeat was very low on my body.  She quickly ran out of the room saying don't cough or sneeze or that baby might slide out as she ran to get the doctor.  Less than 10 minutes later and 2 pushes, Reagan was here.  She was born at 2:00 am on Nov 7th, weighing 7 lbs, 13 oz and 18 inches long.
Callie has been an amazing big sister. She was so excited to meet Reagan, hold her, and is very protective of her.  Callie is not one to be generous with her kisses, and Reagan has received more in the last 4 days than I have received in the last month. Callie wants to share her toys with Reagan and I found a bouncy ball in the cradle.  When I explained to Callie that we had to be really careful with small toys because they could hurt Reagan, she ran out to the living room, grabbed a car out of the car seat, and frantically started looking for the bouncy ball in the cradle.
Saturday night Mike was at a fundraising event, so it was my first attempt at putting both girls to bed.  Reagan was in her crib and I was helping Callie put on her jammies (that she had Reagan pick out for her) when Reagan started to cry.  I asked Callie if she wanted my help or if she wanted me to go get Reagan.  She looked at me and said "Mama, go get Reagan.  She's crying."  In the 30 seconds it took me to get Reagan, Callie finished putting on her jammies and was ready to brush her teeth.  We are very proud of what an awesome big sister she is.