Monday, April 19, 2010

A Week of Firsts

Callie had many firsts this week. First whole week with Grandma, first email to Dad (with a lot of help from Grandpa)

First trip to the hardware store with Dad,
First Trip to the Art Museum,
First trip to the Glass Museum
And possibly the most important, the first time sleeping through the entire night! It was more than a little terrifying to hear the alarm go off and realize that she hadn't woken up I all. Because the lights were off, I reached over to jiggle her and hear some noise to know she was okay, and she was! It hasn't happened again, but I know it will some day.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The three of us at the Tulip Festival. Smiles were not an option at this point.
Fine, I will sit here in this basket if you make me, but I am not going to smile!
I really don't want to do this.
Even if the Tulips are beautiful.

We'll Give This a Try

I thought this was worth a shot and that way you all could know what was going on in Callie's life without me sending out tons of emails.
We have had a wonderful, but busy weekend. Saturday we went up to Oak Harbor for Josiah's first birthday. Callie was a trooper and loved sitting outside in Grandma's lap looking at everyone else. We also stopped to look at some tulips and tried to get some pictures, but Callie just wasn't up for that. Needless to say, we did not end up with adorable pictures, but instead captured her true feelings about being put in a basket in the wind.
Sunday we ran a bunch of errands, and she slept through them all including a walk on the waterfront. Now Callie and Mike are sitting out on the front porch watching the world go by. I don't know who is enjoying it more as they both love it out there.
Tomorrow Callie will be off to start her adventures with Grandma because I will be going back to work. I am sure they will have tons of fun together.