Callie is starting to get the hang of sitting She needs help getting positioned, but will then sit for 30-60 seconds! It amazes me how much enjoyment all the adults in her life (including Mike and I) get from this simple task and how long we can spend "helping" her sit. She also seems to have mastered rolling from her back to her stomach to both the left and right. The right side took a little longer, but she has it down now. She has rolled from her stomach a few times, but I am not sure if it is intentional yet, or random chance.
Callie's new favorite toy her her Jumperoo. It took her less than a week to figure out how to really JUMP in that thing. She can get it going so hard the plastic shakes. And then only one

more week to figure out if she gets it jumping and then pulls her legs up, she will bounce up and down effortlessly. I will try and get a video of it because it is hilarious to watch.
In an attempt to get her to not inhale her bottle with Grandma (because this results in overeating and then a large quantity of spit up that often requires a new shirt for Grandma) we introduced rice cereal. Some days she loves it and others she isn't to interested in it at all.

Callie got to spend some time with her cousin Josiah last week. He was so gentle as he reached out for her and kept touching her. I know he enjoys her and I think she enjoys him as well. I see some fun times in the future!
A few weekends ago when it was nice out, we took Callie down to the waterfront and plopped her

down in the sand for the first time. There were some serious looks at the sand. She sat there forever with her "I am trying to figure this out" look. Mike and I learned that you don't put a baby in the sand with a romper on unless you plan on a bath when you get home. There was sand everywhere!
Summer is almost here and that means more Callie time. One more day of school, then a week of science stuff and Callie will be all mine! Such an exciting time to get to spend with her and she learns so many new things.