After much careful deliberation about which pumpkin Callie would be able to stand in, we picked a big one and a smaller one. We also purchased and assortment of small gourds for Callie to play with. She loves all the different textures. The bumpiest one is her favorite. And on the way out, of course Grandpa and Dad had to try their skills at the pumpkin sling sh
And then the pumpkin carving began! Callie was in just a diaper (and yes, we know it is a little too small and looks a little bit like a string bikini, but it was all we had for disposables, and washing a cloth diaper covered in pumpkin guts just didn't sound like fun) and we let the good, messy times begin. We quickly realized that Callie did not like cold pumpkin guts but as soon as they warmed up she was all about feeling them. She enjoyed the ice cream scoop that we were using to scoop out the guts most of all. Now it was the part we had all been waiting for, putting Callie in the pumpkin. We had already learned our lesson about cold pumpkins, so Mike put some warm water in it for a few minutes, then dumped it out the the bottom wasn't so cold. She stood in the pumpkin for about 15 minutes having a blast. Then she decided to sit down. Not only was the pumpkin not big enough for her to sit down, we had only warmed up the bottom of it. As soon as her back touched the inside of the pumpkin, she started crying. Stood up, and tried it again. Still that cold pumpkin touched her back, and at this point she was really crying. We stopped laughing long enough to get her out of the pumpkin, fill it up all the way with warm water, and give it another try. She still couldn't sit down, but was happy to squat and chew on the edge of the pumpkin.
Standing in a pumpkin is pretty cool.
Not so sure about trying to sit.
I'm sure now, I don't like this.