Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fun in the Mountains and at Home

Mike and I headed up to Snoqualmie to go snowboarding this weekend and later in the afternoon Mom drove Callie up to meet us and play in the snow. When it snowed at home, Callie loved her baby boggin, and the faster it went the better. This time, she didn't complain, but didn't seem to enjoy it all that much. I think her favorite part was walking up the hill. Her head was parallel to the ground as she looked up at all the trees.

Even though sledding wasn't a big hit, she loved standing and hitting the snow, as you can see in this video.
She also discovered she could eat the snow, and loved that. In case this picture doesn't show enough, here is a video of it as well.
After getting home and taking a bath, somehow we decided to put the curlers in her hair like Grandma does because her hair is so cute whenever I pick her up from there. This look says it all.
Callie has also started dancing more and more. She now dances sitting down by moving her arms around. She loves the kitchen toy Grandma and Grandpa bought her for her birthday, and will spin the clock until it plays one song and dance to it. I helped her get there in this video, because whenever we try to record it, she looses interest before she gets to that song.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eating and more!

What a difference a night makes! Last night after Callie ate most of the yogurt in the tub, I thought, why not give it to her and see what happens. There is hardly any left, so she can't make too much mess. And she wasn't too messy, but she also didn't use the spoon for eating, and really only licked her fingers once. In case my description doesn't quite do the trick, here is the video.

First Time Attempting to Self Feed

And then tonight she started whining for the spoon when Mike was feeding her. He gave it to her, and she was able to get the spoon in her mouth, and get most of the food off the spoon. Then we started the camera, and she was able to do it again! And even tried to scoop some more food onto the spoon. Once again, here is the video if you want more than my description.

Second Night of Self Feeding

Also, Callie has started giving kisses when asked, or at least 75% of the time. You ask, "Callie, kiss kiss?" and she leans into your cheek and gives you a big wet one. Unless you are Grampy (aka Gordy, but she has taken to calling him Grampy, or at least that is what she calls him when he is sleeping on the couch and not playing with her) and then she will give out kisses.

She is obsessed with pointing at things. She points at everything, and wants you to name it. She will keep pointing until you name what she is pointing at. She is also starting to learn to whine when she wants something...not my favorite. So we have started working on please. I think "geesh" or something along those lines might be her attempt at please.

Mike tells a story that on Sunday, they were looking out the front window, and she reached out, grabbed his hand, and said "Dad." We have also heard something close to "Hi there" several times, and some possible attempts at "I love you."

She may also be trying to sign "more," which looks like her clapping (more is holding your fingers and thumbs together, and then bringing both set of fingertips together, so clapping is close). She is adamant that she will not walk just holding on with one hand, and will hold onto the same hand with both her hands if we don't offer two hands.

And, most importantly, Callie shared her toys without crying last Sunday! We had our baby group over to our house, and this time around there were not any tears when the other babies played with her favorite toys. All that time at family gym is paying off!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Child Proof Locks...

Callie decided to show the child proof cabinet locks who was boss today. We are hoping the cupboard wasn't shut all the way and that she hasn't quite figured this out yet.
Yes, the white thing she is holding onto and looking at quizzically is supposed to keep her out of the cupboard.