Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Independent Dresser

Independent dressing is currently the theme in our household.  As is Callie DOES NOT want help.  And don't even think about helping her, because that will result in it taking even longer as she loudly, and sometimes while crying, repeated tells us she does not want help.  And while telling us this, whatever process she was is has been completely stopped only to have to start all over again.  Don't get me wrong, I admire her independence and determination.  I mean, really, would you spend 10 minutes trying to get a pair of underwear of correctly?  Would you insist on pulling up your own pants when it requires a little dance and I am pretty sure she pulls hard enough in the front while trying to get the back up that it cannot be comfortable.  But she insists on continuing to want to try.  She wants to do it by herself.
The positive side to this is she is really becoming much more independent.  She can go to the bathroom, wipe, dump her potty into the big potty, flush, and wash her hands all by herself.  She can also get most of her clothing on by herself.  She still has a hard time with shirts.  And an even harder time taking them off.
This independence in dressing also extends to her choice of clothing.  We have left the house in some interesting outfits, but she us happy :)   Accessories are incredibly important.  She will go all day without taking her sunglasses off.  She loves wearing a bracelet and necklace.  And why not throw in a scarf while you are at it?   I know the rest of the world may not appreciate her fashion sense, but it always makes me smile.