Sunday, March 31, 2013


It started last night when I realized we had left Callie's Easter bucket in her bedroom (full of all the plastic eggs).  I went in to get it and she was wide awake.  So I told her that we forgot to put her bucket out for the Easter Bunny.  She quickly told me to put it on the floor by the wall so the Easter Bunny would know it was hers.  After a little more inquiry as to which wall, it was clear she wanted it at the foot of her bed.  

She was excited this morning to wake up and see what the Easter Bunny had brought her.  She found lots of "people" for her doll house and some silly straws.  Callie was into the egg hunt too.  I think she had more fun finding the eggs than opening them to see what was inside.  Someone told her the chicken had just laid another egg, so she then quickly asked how the chicken was able to get up in the hanging flower basket to lay an egg. 

EVERY egg received this level of excitement. 

 Posing in the grass for a picture.

 Borrowing our neighbors flowers because we have none of our own for an Easter picture.

 Getting stronger and loving her first time feeling the grass.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The World According to Callie

Over breakfast we were discussing many important things. Such as Callie's eyes help her see in the dark.  But Dad's eyes need his glasses to see.  This led into a conversation about her favorite things to do with people.  

Dad: Go to the Museum of Flight
Mom: Go to the play area
Papa: Go to the golf store
Grandma Susy: Eat breakfast bars
Lindsay and Brian: Go on the roller coaster
Drenda: Read books
Grandma Mary: Eat yogurt

Some rather astute observations about the people in her life that made us smile.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Lots of cuteness happening around here!

Reagan has discovered her toys in the last week or so.  And her socks.  She loves to take them off and put them in her mouth or just throw them to the floor.  As if baby socks weren't hard enough to keep track of...
And she discovered herself in the mirror.  She thinks she is pretty darn cool!

Admiring herself in the mirror.

Alicia gave Callie a "real, big girl tea set" and she had her first tea party tonight.  According to her "It is my first day having a tea party!"
 Totally fascinated by the process of making tea.

 Having her first sip.

 She decided Grandma needed some tea too, so she had to make it.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Callie the Ballerina

Callie started ballet class just after her third birthday.  She is in love.  Saturday night her dance studio had a "sneak peak" show to preview parts of the recital.  Callie was super excited and I think a little nervous to dance in front of people.  Here are a few pictures of her. 

At home posing before we left.

Watching Miss Jennifer to know what to do.

Dancing with her partner/

Reagan's Bed Time Stories

Reagan loves to hear her bed time stories.  And you can view the proof.

Here she is picking out a book.  And yes, she always picks whichever book is on the right.

Here she is alternating between looking at the pages and smiling at me.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Reagan is growing so fast!  We thought she was huge, but just realized she is almost a pound lighter than Callie was at the same age. 

This is the first night she figured out how to make the toys move.  30 minutes of total fascination.

 Happy smiles!

 Playing is serious business.

Disneyland-Dinner with the Princesses

Our first night at Disneyland we ate dinner with the princesses.  This was definitely a highlight for Callie.

The first princess we met was Ariel.  Callie was so excited and thanked Ariel.  Unfortunately, that was the only part of the conversation we were able to hear, but it looked intense. 

 Then, the princesses started coming to our table to talk to us.  This was pretty darn exciting.
 Belle came first.  Callie had a lot to tell her.

 And then came Cinderella.  She literally lept into her arms and gave her a hug that we have never seen her give anyone else.
 Posing like Cinderella. 

 Another hug for Cinderella.  Can you see the total admiration in her eyes?

 Next was Rapunzel.  She was excited about her, but kept looking over to where Cinderella was during their conversation.

Last was Snow White.  She was a little creepy, and Callie seems to agree. 


We took the girls to Disneyland over midwinter break.  Callie was incredibly excited and loved it.  We made the mistake of going on a dark, loud ride first (Monsters Inc, or the "Taxi Cabs") and she hated it.  I had to put my hands over her ears.  After that she didn't want another ride until we saw the Mickey Mouse Ferris Wheel.  Then she was all set for anything!  She wanted to go on the swinger cars and laughed the whole time.  While waiting in line, another little girl fell in love with her because she was dressed as Cinderella.  They had their picture taken together.  This was Callie's first, but not last picture with a random stranger.  While walking down from another ride, a group of tourist asked to take their picture with Callie.  Her and I are in two more random strangers pictures.  They told us thank you about ten times.  I do have to agree that she was pretty darn cute!

   Callie checking out the map before we headed in.

  Waiting in line for our first ride.

 Enjoying our time with Brian and Lindsay.

 Pure love.

Waiting for the ride to start.

On the Mickey Mouse Ferris Wheel.

First Day of School

So, this happened back in December, and yes, I'm just now getting around to posting it.  But, Callie started preschool.  Her favorite thing to do there is be "princess of the castle" which entails climbing up on the slide climber and yelling to no one in particular "I'm princess of the castle!"  She loves it.  She is really starting to open up and play with the other kids.  Here she is ready to go on her first day.  Just in case youare wondering, she dressed herself and did her own hair.