Monday, June 17, 2013

The World According to...

The World According to Callie
When she grows up she is going to be a goof ball princess.  She will live at Disneyland and sleep in Cinderella's castle in her big bed (she wants a bigger bed currently).  Her stepsisters will be nice and depending on the day, the may or may not live with her.  Her stepmother will have a baby Arianna.  When Arianna grows up, she will be Snow White.  We can all come visit her. She will stay at Disneyland for 5 days.  She came up with this all on her own, and repeatedly sticks to this version of the future. 
We often have "visitors" at the house.  Callie's princess friends, home Sesame Street friends, and her Disney friends often come.  They usually eagerly eat her dinner and play in the backyard. 
She wants to know why to everything.  After about the 5th "Why?" Mom just laughs, smiles, and tells me it is my payback.  We are also constantly defining words, reading, telling her what letters spell, and she is counting everything. 

The World According to Reagan (at least as far as we can tell)
Reagan loves the outdoors and people.  She is happiest when out and about and will smile and just about everyone.  She seeks people out to talk to her and smile at her.  And she's pretty good at finding people.  We can set her down in the grass and she is happy there for an hour...we just have to make sure she isn't eating anything she shouldn't. 
She has started solids, and beyond bananas and the little cereal things, she's not to interested.  If it is on a spoon, she most likely won't open her mouth.  More food will end up on the floor and in her high chair than in her mouth. 
The cats make Reagan very happy.  If we are not careful, she ends up with handfuls of fur in her hands...and somehow the cats put up with this.  Most mornings she sits looking out the door onto the back porch watching the cats.  This will entertain her for quite a while.  unfortunately, she still thinks 6:30 is a great time to wake up.  Although it is better than 5:30, it's still a little early for me.  I'm hoping that with summer break we can transition her to a little later.
Sitting is old news, and she no longer falls down.  Rolling is her preferred mode of transportation.  She can get anywhere by turning herself and rolling around.  Until she finds a corner, the couch, or gets lost under her crib. 
At 7 months, she is about 17 pounds.