Sunday, August 4, 2013

Happy, Silly Heart Dance

Last night while having a campout on the back deck, Mike and Callie had this precious conversation:
Mike:  Callie, you know what...I really love you.
Callie: I really love you too Dad.
Mike: Oh, thank you.   That makes me feel special when you tell my that you love me.
Callie: When you tell me that you love me, it makes my heart do a happy, silly, silly, heart dance!

I love it...don't know where these things come from, but they keep us entertained.

The other night we were eating dinner in a smaller restaurant.  We were the only couple with children.  Rather loudly, Callie shared these precious words of wisdom out of nowhere.  "When I was a baby I pooped in my diaper every day.  I pooped a lot.  Sometimes I pooped so much I got poop on things."  No idea where this one came from either...we have not told her any poop stories.

A couple of other oldies, but goodies that I don't want to forget.

Just past two years old, Callie called Mike's glasses his "wake up sunglasses" as he only wears them when he first gets up or just before bed. 

Around 1.5, cinnamon was necessary on every food, and she called it "Sprinkle syrup."

Just after 2, when Callie started wearing underwear, she first called Mike's boxers his "big girl underwear."  He then quickly progressed to wearing "Big boy panties."  Not sure which is better, but equally adorable.