Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Busy Weekend

As usual, we packed a lot into this weekend. Saturday Callie helped Mike and Grandpa finish getting the gate installed on the deck (that is now completely Callie safe, as long as we remember to close the gate so she can play out there to her hearts content). Callie really liked the tools, screws, and spare boards.
Then it was off to Kirk's for Phoenix and Christie's graduation party. There Callie met her cousin Grace who is four and visiting from Montana. Callie had an instant best friend whom she adored. Sunday was a trip down to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium for a Baby Friends get together, lunch, a nap in the car, then to Coulon Park to meet up with Grandma, Grandpa, Josiah, and Julian.

Daddy's little helper. She was really proud of her self when she got the screw to stick in a hole. And she had been watching Daddy use the drill because she grabbed it, and put the tip into the wood. Also notice the mallet right by her...I am sensing a fascination.

Callie loved feeding the budgies, even if she wasn't always so sure about them.

Cousins enjoying the water.

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