Friday, December 21, 2012

Callie's Likes

Callie has taken to stating things she likes or loves lately.  They often start to come out in list form.  Today it was:
Pizza, pizza.  I like pizza.
Work, work.  I like Daddy's work.
Cookies, cookies.  I like making cookies.
Cookies, cookies.  I like eating cookies.
Park, park.  I like going to parks.
Grandma Mary. Grandma Mary.  I like going to Grandma Mary's house.
And several more that I already forgot.

While talking in the phone to Debbie tonight, she told Debbie she was going to eat dinner at home.  And that dinner was going to be brussel sprouts and couscous.  And she often BEGS me to buy broccoli at the grocery is we will be on the other side of the store and she is still asking for it.  Doesn't matter that we have a bag of it from Costco at home, there is something about a fresh head of broccoli for that child.

She still desperatly wants to be a ballerina.  Seeing the Nutcracker today only added to that.  She has told everyone that she will be a ballerina when she gets bigger.  And she will dance on stage, turn around, and be Cinderella, Snow White, and Clara (the little girl from the Nutcracker).  All of these are ballets we have been to see.  Tonight she was dancing around the living room to "ballerina music" (classical music for those of you who don't know what "ballerina music" is).  It was amazing to see how much she picked up from today.  She started standing on one foot with her other leg in a coupe position (toe on ankle) and turning, jumping and turning, and straddle jumping.  Until the ballerina fell down and smashed her cheek into the wooden jeep that  Great Grandpa built  She hit it hard!  Like the cry where no sounds come out.  There was a bruise before she went to bed. we'll see what it looks like in the morning.

We often no longer have a human child, but a dog.  She is constantly pretending to be a dog.  All the dogs have names that she makes up.  For a while it was Mafa, Crafa, and Fafa.  Each was a different color and size.  The other night it was Chum Chum Ruff.  Who knows where these names come from!  But she will tell us what she wants to say.  Such as "Mama say 'Do we have a doggy in the car?'" if we don't respond appropriately.  She also barks when she is excited.  And sometimes pants as well.  Yep, that my girl!

Callie also adores Christmas lights and has labels to describe them.  There is the humongous tree (it is at least 150 feet tall), drop lights (icicle lights), string lights (regular lights) and the infamous "humongous blinking tree" that she keeps asking to see, but none of us know where to find it.

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