Sunday, March 31, 2013


It started last night when I realized we had left Callie's Easter bucket in her bedroom (full of all the plastic eggs).  I went in to get it and she was wide awake.  So I told her that we forgot to put her bucket out for the Easter Bunny.  She quickly told me to put it on the floor by the wall so the Easter Bunny would know it was hers.  After a little more inquiry as to which wall, it was clear she wanted it at the foot of her bed.  

She was excited this morning to wake up and see what the Easter Bunny had brought her.  She found lots of "people" for her doll house and some silly straws.  Callie was into the egg hunt too.  I think she had more fun finding the eggs than opening them to see what was inside.  Someone told her the chicken had just laid another egg, so she then quickly asked how the chicken was able to get up in the hanging flower basket to lay an egg. 

EVERY egg received this level of excitement. 

 Posing in the grass for a picture.

 Borrowing our neighbors flowers because we have none of our own for an Easter picture.

 Getting stronger and loving her first time feeling the grass.

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