Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ocean Trips

We have made two trips to the ocean in the last month.  Once to Long Beach and once to Ocean Shores.  The girls have loved the beach and playing in the sand.  After the first trip Mike and I looked at each other and couldn't believe we had gone all summer without making it to the beach.  Which is what caused the second trip.  There was lots of digging and lots of sand.  Did I mention that there was sand everywhere? 

Reagan's first beach experience.  I think she likes it.

Crawling in the sand.


 Fun finding everything in the bucket.
 Something serious is going on.  I'm terrified what they are going to be able to come up with together in a few years. 

 Callie wanted to try and drive.  After Reagan and I got out, Mike let her steer.  There were several "crashes" accompanied by sound effects from Callie. 

 Riding a "silly bike."  In case you were wondering, those things are REALLY hard to pedal.  It was a good thing the rental was only for an hour.  I don't think our legs could have gone longer.

 Naked baby in the sand!
 And this is why.

 Coming out from the grass and being "camouflaged."

 Working hard to dig a big hole.

And she got there with a little help from Dad.

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