Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First Mariners Game

Callie went to her first Mariners game with Larry and Erin on Tuesday night. The field lights were her favorite part! Early into the game she fell asleep, and I thought perfect, she will sleep for the rest of the game, and we won't mess up her routine too much. Boy, was I wrong. Leave it to a few little rain drops to hit her face, and she was wide awake until 11:00, and thankfully mostly happy.

Over the weekend she discovered her tongue and will explore anything that comes near her mouth with it or just stick it out. Each day, she is becoming more and more "talkative" and the sounds are getting louder. She also starting bringing her hands together. She is also really close to truly laughing. I got to hear her second long "laugh" for the first time this weekend with the family. Dad has heard it more, and he has even been lucky enough to hear a longer version. We know she is close and can't wait to her what her laugh sounds like.

She continues to amaze us with how much she is learning! One advantage to being back to work, is you really see the changes when you get to spend all day with her on the weekends.

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