Sunday, December 19, 2010

All things Christmas

Not that Callie is old enough tell us, but I think she would descide December as her favorite time of the year. All because there are these amazing things called Christmas Lights. And yes, we have found just about every set of lights in close distance to take her to, and have a few more planned. It started with the Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Piazza in Renton. We were going to try and see Santa there, but while waiting in line, she quickly went from happy to exhausted, as is often the case. There is no warning that she is about to become seriously cranky because she needs to go to sleep, it just happens. Usually it is around bedtime, but sometimes she mixes it up and crashes way earlier. None the less, she had a great time at her first Christmas light experience.

Just smiling at all the lights.
Callie loved that ball thing. She starred and starred at it.
The three of us.

"Helping" put the candy canes on the tree. She has not shown any interest in our tree, but loves taking the ornaments off Grandma and Grandpa's tree. I think this is because she rarely plays in our living room.

Zoolights was also a success. Not only were there lights, but there were also all the cool animals in the aquarium to see. Her octopus friend, which is her favorite animal in the aquarium as far as we can tell, was even out and moving.

Candy Cane Lane was the most successful so far. Could also be that it was the last one we have done. But she was pointing at all the lights and saying "Ha dat" over and over.

She also loves the lights on our house. When we come home, she stares at them. As we walk up onto the front porch, she keeps looking up and eventually is laying backwards trying to look behind her. It is pretty funny looking. She doesn't quite realize that it might be easier to turn her head around rather than keep leaning backwards.
We still have a few more Christmas Light trips in mind. We plan to go to Clam Lights at Coulon, and just might have to take Lindsay to Zoolights when she is here.

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