Monday, May 30, 2011

We Moved!

After having our house on the market for a few months will little success (no serious lookers) we decided to rent it out. We met with a property management guy on Monday evening, he had it advertised on Tuesday evening, and by 12:00 on Wednesday we had a renter. And we had about 10 days to be out. And Callie, Grandma, and I were going to California for 5 of those days! But we made it. Thanks to a TON of help from both our parents. There is no way we could have done it without them.
At first, Callie liked packing (and unpacking) the boxes. But once our house became a crazy mess, she did NOT like it. She was so upset we had to take her away. Fortunately Grandma Mary watched her for the rest of the day, and took her for a few days that week so Grandma Dicka could organize the house during the day.
Now a good chunk of our stuff is in a storage unit and we are camping out and Grandma Dicka and Grandpa Gordy's until we figure out were we want to buy our next house. We really aren't sure, so we could be here for a while :)

Seattle Aquarium

After taking Callie to the doctor's office for her 15 month well child check (and we don't have to go back until she is 2!!!) and watching her fall in love with the "ish" (fish) again, we decided to visit the aquarium. And since Point Defiance is no longer 10 minutes away, we ventured to Seattle for the BIG aquarium. As we suspected, she loved it. She came as close to a run as we have ever seen when she walked in and saw the big wall of fish tank.

So excited about the touch tank!

Completely amazed by the octopus.

Enjoying the dome of fish.

Hanging out on on the bike rack outside the aquarium requires such serious thhought that sticking out the tongue is necessary.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we went to the Children's Museum with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Stu. As always, Callie had a great time. She discovered that she could dump the water out of the water area (hence the wet shirt in all the pictures), found a stacking toy that she would probably still be playing with if we hadn't taken her away, tried to eat the pretend food, and was a little apprehensive about the dark "lava cave." This is the second time this weekend the darkness has made her a little timid. On Saturday she was walking into the shed, and stopped at the doorway. She wouldn't go in until Mike turned on the lights. I think we might be entering the age of darkness being scary. Hopefully it isn't too painful for any of us. I foresee checking under the beds for monsters in our future :)

Not so sure about these fish.

This thing was so much fun, we went home and ordered her something similar.

Who is that?

Shopping is serious business.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Fun

So I am a little behind, but here are details from Easter.Callie enjoyed picking up the eggs and handing them to someone to open so she could eat the goldfish crackers that were inside. She quickly figured out the ones with fish made noise when she shook them and the empty ones did not. Callie did not like wearing the bunny ears Aunt Drenda and Uncle Lonnie bought here. And she really did NOT like anyone else wearing them. The bubbles Grandma and Grandpa got her were fun. And the paints that the Easter Bunny brought were really fun, and messy too!

What are these things?

So many eggs to put in the basket!

Walking with all these eggs is hard work!