Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we went to the Children's Museum with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Stu. As always, Callie had a great time. She discovered that she could dump the water out of the water area (hence the wet shirt in all the pictures), found a stacking toy that she would probably still be playing with if we hadn't taken her away, tried to eat the pretend food, and was a little apprehensive about the dark "lava cave." This is the second time this weekend the darkness has made her a little timid. On Saturday she was walking into the shed, and stopped at the doorway. She wouldn't go in until Mike turned on the lights. I think we might be entering the age of darkness being scary. Hopefully it isn't too painful for any of us. I foresee checking under the beds for monsters in our future :)

Not so sure about these fish.

This thing was so much fun, we went home and ordered her something similar.

Who is that?

Shopping is serious business.

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