Monday, November 28, 2011

Callie Will Do It

"Callie will do it" is a very common phrase in our house right now.  This means anything from Callie will climb into the car and into her car seat, Callie will climb up onto the changing table, Callie will put her own shoes on, Callie will try to put her socks on, Callie will take a dish to the kitchen sink, Callie will walk down the stairs without holding any ones hand, and many other things.  And if Callie says "Callie WILL do it" with a very strong emphasis on the will part, she fully expects to be allowed to do it all on her own.  And she is adamant about this.  We are working on learning that if Callie will do it, then Callie needs to do it in a timely manner.  We don't care if it takes her a while to do something, but you have to actually do it.  She likes to say Callie will do it while climbing into the car or onto her changing table and then stop midway and play.  So she now has from 10 to 0 to make it happen.  Today when I told her Callie needs to do it, she replied "Mama count." And I did and she happily climbed in.

Callie also has a new obsession with washing dishes after dinner.  She takes a plate out to the kitchen, and climbs up on her stool and starts washing.  She would stay there all night if we let her.

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