Thursday, January 19, 2012

How we are spending our snow days

Since Callie doersn't want to go outside in the snow, we are finding many ways to occupy ourselves inside.
 Enjoying the snowmen.  After Mike snuck out to make one, she asked me to go make another snowman.  She then cheered when I finished and clapped for me.

 Finding the joy of using a glue stick and it's serious work.

Showing Clifford all the snow, while telling him the bunny (that we have only seen once-about a month ago) is sleeping and the squirrel is sleeping.  Clifford has spend the rest of the day on the window sill "watching" the snow and being periodically being checked on.

Drinking her coffee.  When I asked her what she wanted to drink with breakfast, she said "Mama's coffee."  So she has decaf coffee and milk and loves it. 

She curled up in Grandma and Grandpa's bed, and asked Dad to go get her a book.

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