Friday, June 22, 2012

Alligator Slide Right In

Tonight started out with Callie telling me that "She needs to go swimming!"  So we pack up our stuff and head of the the Y.  While there Callie tells me "To swim over there," meaning way across the pool while she stands on the opposite edge.  After once again telling her that the rule is I have to stay close so we can be safe, she quickly decides it is time to go to the shallow end where I don't have to be so close.  While doing "alligator slides" right in (she lays on her stomach on the edge of the pool, and the slides right into the pool head first), she tells me to back up and not grab her.  Next thing I know, my little girl is going headfirst into the pool, kicking her feet, and coming up to stand up all by herself.  Needless to say, I was a little impressed and very proud of her!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Few Random Updates

Once again, it has been a while so here a several updates. 

Callie has a new "big girl bike."  If you can't tell, she loves it and is super proud of it.

Rolling down the hill is super fun!

Callie got to spend some time with her cousins.

Walking two dogs (even if only one of them is real) is hard work.

And Callie continues to make us laugh with her comments and thoughts on the word.  Here are some of the more recent ones. 

Is there a baby in Daddy's tummy?  No!  Is there is a baby in Papa's tummy?  No! Is there is baby in Grandma's tummy? No! Is there a baby in Daddy's pants?  No!  Is there a baby in Daddy's shoes?  No!

While we were at the ultrasound, Callie stood about 3 feet away for the first 15 minutes.  She watched, but was not going to get any closer.  Callie stated "When she's (Callie) older, she will lay on the bed too."  Then she decided to come up onto the table with me.  She laid down next to me just like she was getting an ultrasound as well.  We asked Callie what color hair she thought the baby would  What color eyes do you think the baby will  Then she asked herself what color the baby's cheeks would  Turns out she knows something because it is a girl!

When I told Callie she needed to get dressed, she responded with "She's working on it."  Guess I need to watch what I say!