Saturday, September 22, 2012

Conversations that make me smile

While on a walk with Scoshe (the dog), we had to stop because he pooped and I needed to pick it up.  Callie looks at it, and very matter of factly states "Schoshe went poop in the street.  That's what doggies do.  Mom will pick it up because that's what responsible pet owners do."  Can you tell what I have told her each time she asks why we are stopping :)

The airplanes have been louder at our house lately, and the noise is really bothering Callie at night.  Enough to wake her up terrified at times.  We have been working on coping strategies and realizing that although it startles us, we are safe in our home and the planes (which she loves) won't hurt us.  This mornign while snuggling in bed, I hear "Opp.  Plane, you scared me.  But I am safe in my house."  I quickly told her how proud I was of her for realizing she was scared, but knowing that she was going to be okay.  She looks at me and says "Was I polite?"  Um...I guess?  Not really, but you wern't rude either.  Qucikly followed up with "I was polite to the ceiling.  I was polite to the wall.  I was polite to Daddy (who is still out cold)." And many more things that were visible. Can you also tell that we have been working on being polite?

Callie is repeatedly reffering to herself as the girl or this girl.  At breakfast she told me "A differnt girl is going to go to the bathroom." Okay, go for it!

We are going to the zoo today and she is excited.  She is currently walking around the house in just her underwear (her almost favorite way to be, naked is even better) and walked up to me and said "I need to get clothes on to go to the zoo."  Yes you do.  "And I need shoes to wear to the zoo."  Yes you do.

And while just sitting here, a plane took off.  "Ohh, airplane...Trees...OHH!  Did the trees talk?...I don't think they have mouths."  You are oh so correct my dear.

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