Saturday, October 6, 2012


Last week we went and saw Cinderella at the Pacific Northwest Ballet.  Callie loved it.  She was exhausted at the end and didn't have the energy to clap for anyone...until the prince and Cinderlla came out.  Then she shoved her wand into my hands and eagerlly clapped away. 

We bought the Dinsey version when it came out this week.  She was mesmorized by it until the scene when the step sisters tear Cinderella's dress apart.  To say Callie was tramutized by this would be an understatement.  We had to have a long talk about how since Cinderella was a good person, she was going to be taken care of and it would all end well.  She was also very close to tears when Cinderella was locked in the tower, but we were able to talk our way through that one since I was expecting it.  I love the heart this girl has!  Going to do everything we can to encourage this and keep it!

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