Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Bell is Ringing

After seeing The Nutcracker, Callie has taken to putting on several ballet shows a day. She will announce that the bell is ringing and we need to then take our seats. We must so be quiet (including Reagan and the dog) and watch her dance on stage. When she is done she sometimes tells me I can sweep the stage now (we did see this happen at The Nutcracker). And Greg and Nancy gave her a pair of ballet shoes for Christmas that have onl added to the fun. She may wear out the shoes before she can start classes when she turns three in February.

Here is a video of her dancing (missing the shoes and her tip toe move). She really did pick up a few new moves from watching the ballet.

Her other favorite saying these days is "I'm not feeling well. Making cookies will help me feel better."  It has never worked, but she keeps trying.

Reagan now has total control of her head, is smiling, cooing up a storm, napping in her crib, and very happy to lay on the floor by herself. All things we enjoy. My next goal is to catch Reagan cooing on video.

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