Monday, August 30, 2010

So here are the pictures to follow up to yesterday's post...

We have a little laundry helper. Well helper might not be the right word. She grabs clothes and chews on them faster than we can get them folded. And there is the drool/slobber issue...clean clothes are no longer clean.

One of Callie's favorite activities has been walking to the park. Not only are there lots of people to watch, but there is a swing! A big swing, not the annoying baby swing which she hated. While swinging she will kick her legs around, often hard enough to make herself bounce up and down int he swing.

Callie has also taken an interest in books. She is far more interested in chewing on them than having a story read to her. She does like to look at the pictures and gets VERY mad if she can't touch the pages. Therefore anything that is not made of cardboard is not an option right now.

Callie got her first wadding pool.

Loving being in the water (and smiling at Grandpa)

Figuring out this splashing business.

Deciding that Grandpa's shoe looks pretty cool.
And that was a lot of work. She needed to rest her head after all that exploring.

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