Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Vacation

We flew to LA to visit Lindsay and Callie was such a trooper. She loved the plane ride. So many people to look at and then she just stared out the window during landing. Even though our flight back didn't land until 10:00, she was wide awake almost the whole time. But she was happy, squealing and playing the whole time.

Callie also had her first trip to the beach. The first thing she did was grab a handful of sand and put it in her mouth, which she did not like. She also did not like us trying to wipe the sand off if her face. Once we got the sand out of her mouth, she decided warm sand was pretty cool. She kept running her hands through the sand and picking it up. But she learned her lesson and never put it in her mouth again. The water was still pretty cool, so we just dipped her feet in, and didn't get much of a reaction. There were showers at the beach, and we had totally slathered her up in sunscreen, so we went to wash her off. She did NOT like the cold shower at all. But it was entertaining for the people around to watch. She got lots of laughs.

We stopped at Sprinkles on the way back for some cupcakes. Even though Callie didn't get to eat any of the cupcakes, she sure was excited about them. If you notice Mike is holding on to her arms for dear life because she was reaching for the cupcake and already had gotten some frosting! She is definitely eager to try one. It may be hard for her to wait another 6 months until her first birthday.

Callie's favorite part of the vacation may have been the Long Beach Aquarium. She stared at all the fish and animals in the tanks. She loved it so much that we now have a membership to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium.The first tank we looked at.
With Lindsay and the Jellyfish.
Trying to eat the Jellyfish. It is a good thing she couldn't reach them!
Pure amazement at all the fish.
There was no way we were going to get her attention for a
picture when there was sea life to look at and admire.

And lastly, some random pictures while we were relaxing around the beach and hotel.

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