Sunday, September 5, 2010

Eating is MESSY!

Callie started eating solids (or purees to be more exact) about a month ago. She was not to interested for a while and would only eat about 2 bites. Now she has decided food is good and loves it. She is no longer passive in the eating process. She will grab the spoon and pull it towards her mouth when she is ready to eat. Often this is accompanied by her leaning forward to get the food into her mouth faster. Sometimes she is so eager to eat, that she grabs the food, not the handle of the spoon. She has not mastered getting the whole spoon in her mouth before she closed her mouth, so the back half of the spoon if left out, leading to any food that is there falling off most of the time. Then there is something new on the highchair tray, so she must feel this to investigate it. Now there is food everywhere, but she is happy and starting to learn to eat.
We have also been introducing a sippy cup with water. I don't know how much she has actually drank from the sippy cup, but she loves to chew on it. All parts of it. The nubby part where she is supposed to drink from, the handles, the bottom, the corner of the lid, or any other place she can find.

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