Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Skills

Sorry, no pictures at this time...but I promise there will be some soon. After all, Easter is this weekend and there just might be some cute ones from all those adventures.
But, Callie is up to lots of new things.

  • Grandma now has a name. I take much delight in it. She is "Eggna," which is almost Edna. We have no idea how she came up with this, but she did.

  • Callie is still obsessed with all things that fly in the sky. All birds are "ducks" and she has said "air plane" a few times.

  • She is getting VERY good at signing all done, and will literally do this as soon as she takes her last bite off the spoon. As I was gettign her breakfast ready the other day, she opened the drawer, took a bib out, and handed it to me. I think she was hungry.

  • Callie wants to spend every minute outside, and if you don't pick her coat up and put it where she cannot reach it, she will bring it to you, hold it out and say "out" over and over agian. And if you tell her we can't go out now, there will be tears. She is trying very hard to figure out how to opent he door as well. She reaches up for the door know, but can'y quite turn it.

  • Outside, she loves the swing. And the faster and higher you push her, the louder the squeals. And once, Bear walked in the way and she kicked him, and she tought that was really funny.

  • As far as indoor entertainment, she loves books. We found out the hard way at stroller fitness that she does NOT want to share her books. Lots of tears and she would not forgive the poor little girl who took her book. Balls and cars come in a close second. At the toy store the other day, she was not interested in anything besides balls and cars. She is trying to catch the bigger ball when you bounce it to her, but her coordination is a little lacking. At least she laughs when it hits her in the head. As she pushes her cars around, she says "vroom, vroom."

  • She is also very cautious of her abilities. She wants to be independent, but won't try something if she doesn't think she can do it. But yet, she won't take more help that she things she needs.

  • Grandpa made her an adarondack chair and she loves it. When Grandpa arrived with it, she almost ran to him. He was all excited because he thought she wanted to see him. Wrong, she only wanted the chair.
I think that just about covers all the "new" developments in her life, but as soon as I post this, she will learn something else.

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