Sunday, August 14, 2011

More fun at parks

Callie LOVES going to the park, going for walks, and playing on the toys. If you tell her we are going to the park, you better be ready to head out the door almost immediately. Or she will be at the door trying to open it.

Climbing up the little step things she just figured out at Coulon.

Enjoying the stairs at Coulon.

She has gained enough confidence to go down the slide more slowing herself down with her feet.

As you can see, she enjoys anything that involves climbing, sliding, or swinging. Her coordination is improving daily as well as her confidence. Her personality is really exploding right now as well.

This morning Mike told her he needed to get shoes before they could go on a walk, so she grabbed him two. Unfortunately they didn't match. But they were both tennis shoes and he had a right and a left. She also loves crossing the street. On her walk this morning with Mike, all they did was cross the street. About 7 times. She gets to the curb, looks both ways, says "No cars" and sticks her hand up in the air for you to hold. We are hoping these good, safe road crossing skills last a while :).

She is also enjoying picking out her own clothes. She is very adamant in what she wants. Especially when it comes to accessories. Bows, bows, and more bows. If she finds a hair rubber band or headband, she tries to put it on several times. After finally giving up (they just don't sit on top of your head no matter how hard you pull down) she will hand it to us. But telling her thank you isn't enough. She then takes your hand and puts in on top of her head. In other words, she wants that thing in her hair. And it doesn't matter if she already has several items in her hair. And as you put them in her hair she says "Pretty." We can thank Lindsay for that one.

The obsession with airplanes continues. Every time she hears one she will tell you there is an airplane. If we are inside and near a window, she will try to look for it. If we are outside, she will find it and point it out to us. I think she said "airplane" at least 100 times each time we were at the airport on our trip to visit Lindsay. So of course we bought her a toy airplane when we saw one at Costco. We thought it was really cool because it was also a remote control airplane for toddlers (think really slow and only forward and backward). She did not agree. The airplane was really cool. Then we made it move and she was terrified. Like we have never seen her before. So the remote control is put away and she just pushes the airplane around.

She has started trying to sing The Wheels on the Bus. The only words she can sing are the noises and "all day" She also thoroughly enjoys the motions that go along with the song and eagerly does them. But she tries to skip the round and round verse. She greatly prefers "the people on the bus go up and down" and bouncing. After that, any verse is fine.

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