Saturday, October 1, 2011


 Over the last two weekends, we have taken Callie to several farms, mostly looking at pumpkins.
Last weekend was a beautiful, sunny day. This weekend was a typical, rainy, cool fall day. Just like last year, she loved the pumpkins. 

As she was petting one (yes, she pets pumpkins) that was still growing, she hit the vine and got poked.  Then she was crying "nice, nice" as she reached out to pet the pumpkin again.  I am not sure if she was telling the pumpkin to be nice, or telling it that she is nice.

Callie loved all the animals and was mesmerized by them.

 She loved to kiss the pumpkins...and kissed lots of them.

 Getting ready to kiss the pumpkin...
 Leaning in closer.
And a big kiss for this pumpkin.

We discovered that she does not like fork lifts.  Like freezes and says "No tool" over and over again.  Yes, I am the idiot that told her a fork lift is a tool.  Not sure where that one came from.

Rocks are still very interesting, and she picked up many along the way.

Having fun running by the pumpkins.

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