Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two Eyebrows

My "conversation" with Callie while she was eating a snack before dinner.

Callie: Mama help.
Me:  Okay, Mama will help.  ( I lean in as I reach for her fork)
Callie: Mama eye. (She reaches out and touches my eye)
Me:  Yes Callie.  That is Mama's eye.
Callie:  Mama's eyebrow.  (She reaches and touches my eyebrow)
Me:  Yes Callie.  That is Mama's eyebrow.  (I think, when did you learn this?  Most kids know body parts like eyes, ears, arms, and you know rib cage and eyebrows)
Callie: Two eyebrows.  (She touches both of my eyebrows)
Me:  Yes Callie, Mama has two eyebrows.  (I'm thinking really? Where does this stuff come from?  We have said two eyes before, but apparently that wasn't good enough)

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