Monday, February 13, 2012

Callie's 2nd Birthday!

This weekend we celebrated Callie's 2nd birthday.  We started the day by visiting the Museum of Flight to "go see airplane engines."  While there, they had a family activity to make a rocket ship.  Once the rocket ship was made, she walked all around the museum counting and yelling "blast off!"  We then came home to try and take a nap and get ready for the big party.  When Callie came out of her room from her playtime in her crib, she was delighted to see streamers and balloons up in the living room.  Her jaw dropped, eyes opened wide and then a big smile came across her face.  I think Callie's favorite part of the night was when everyone sang happy birthday.  That was all she talked about when we were putting her to bed that night.  She has asked us to sing happy birthday many times since then and is having a hard time understanding that we can only sing happy birthday on someone's birthday.
 Fascinated with her rocket ship.

Doing her "Marilyn Monroe" walk over the heat vents.

 Callie's Clifford cake.

Enjoying every one singing happy birthday.

Opening presents.

Reading a card.

 Checking out her baking set.

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