Thursday, February 23, 2012

Love of Books

Fro quite a while now, our nighttime routine has consisted of reading three books.  Tonight that was such a hard choice that resulted in a few sets of tears.  Every time we would start to read the "last book" she would look frantically at her bookshelf and ask for another one.  After lots of explaining, she was able to calm down and read the last book.  Typically we then talk about her day and what we will do tomorrow. Then she picks out two books that are not "fragile," i.e. not an expensive hardback book, to take to bed with her.  Tonight she was so distraught over not being able to read all of her hardback books that she looked at me and said "I just want to go night night" with the saddest look in her eyes.

It melts my heart over and over to see her so invested in her books.  She loves them, and knows them all by title.  She is starting to "read" some of them out loud by retelling the story.  There are also a few lines that she knows and will state when we get to her favorite parts.  I hope this love of reading will continue for years and years.

And another random note-potty training is going GREAT!  After getting another bad rash, we decided to just go with it and try potty training because I didn't want her to have to end of on oral antibiotics again.  She has been doing really well, but was still having about 1 accident a day.  Today was our first totally dry day that included a large amount of time in the car which is typically her downfall! And for the first time ever, she told me in the car that she had to go (which is ironically stated as a question: "Do you have to go potty.") and was able to wait until the light changed and we went through the intersection, pulled over, got her potty set up, and got her out of the car seat.  Not the biggest deal to the rest of the world, but this is fantastic news in our world!

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