Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Play Times

This weekend we took Callie to the Tacoma Children's Museum.  And she insisted on wearing her sunglasses and never took them off.  It was not a sunny day.  She also wore her raincoat.  And her silver sequined shoes.  It was quite the outfit that got lots of "compliments."

 All serious tasks involve some form of sticking her tongue out to concentrate.

Drenda has been taking Callie to a gymnastics center for an open playtime.  I keep hearing all about it, and since I don't work this week, we decided to go.  She has a blast climbing, jumping, running, and playing.
 She can jump! And she loves to.  She probably got her feet at least a foot off the ground with the support of the handrail.

 She loves to swing on the bars. 

 Climbing is serious work.

 Running down the long tumble trampoline.  This is probably her favorite activity.  At least 15 passes today.

 I told you she loved jumping!

And right up there with jumping is throwing yourself onto your stomach on a soft surface.

At the end, all the kids get stamps.  As soon as the music stopped, Callie started pulling up her pant legs to get her stamps on the tops of her feet.  Her pants were loose and would not stay up.  So she pulled them up again.  And again. And again.  Until her smart mother figured out what she was trying to do and rolled them up for her.  She was not going to walk over to the stamp area without being prepared. 

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