Sunday, September 8, 2013


Reagan is almost 10 months old.  At her 9 month check up she weighed 18 lbs 10 oz.  I can't remember how tall she was.  She was in about the 60% for height and 50% for weight.  Her current interests are anything that is not a toy.  She had plenty of toys and has no desire to play with any of them except for a car every now and then.  It took forever, and a lot of butt scooting, but she finally decided to crawl and furniture cruise in the same week.  She is all over the place now. 

Reagan is highly interested in food.  She eats everything, and lots of it.  It is common for her to be the last one eating dinner.  It could be because it is really hard to eat steak with only 4 teeth and so you really have to try and shred it.  She only wants to eat things she can feed herself.  She rarely will eat from a spoon.  Her favorite foods are meat in any form (steak, hamburger, chicken) and graham crackers.  The only food she can feed herself that she has turned down so far is olives...and that was only the first time she was offered.  She has turned down just about everything on a spoon, including ice cream.  Which leads to her communication skills. 

Reagan knows how to shake her head no.  Violently.  Like when I tried to offer her ice cream.  Or you are putting her in her car seat when she doesn't want to.  Or putting her jammies on at bed time.  She also says "Hi Dad" when she sees Mike, "mama" is yelled when she wants me to pick her up off the floor immediately, we think we may have heard something close to Callie a few times, and she signs all done and more, though it is usually more.  She also waves bye.

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