Monday, September 16, 2013

Summer Catch Up

Looking back, I realized I have a ton of pictures I haven't uploaded, so here is a random smattering of pictures from the summer.
Dad brought home some silly string from work.  According to Callie, it was pretty silly! 

Trying so hard to blow hard enough to make the seeds spread...not quite there yet. 

 First time on the slip and slide. 
 She enjoyed it, and went on it several more times over the summer.  Each time was the same.  Walking down the slip and slide.  She even got Mike on it once.  He showed her how to slide, but she wasn't going to do it.
 We went to the Children's Museum for Monorail Day.  Callie insisted her baby, Arianna, came along and here they are listing to the story and learning about the Monorail. We got to tour under the Monorail and watch the engineers change a tire.  We also learned lots of random facts about the Monorail such as it costs about $0.90 for the electricity to run it one way, they use tractor tires to "hug" the rail, and the Monorail employs about 25 people.  Callie got to honk the horn too!
 Reagan seriously checking something out at the "beach park."  A bit of contemplation before she decided to put it in her mouth.
 Reagan's first time in the wading pool at Volunteer Park.  I think it was a success.
 Another trip to the "beach park," aka Seahurst Park.  And yes, she's pretty cute and knows it.
 The rain came down last night, so we had to go outside and splash in the puddles.  One before dinner and once after.  I don't know what was more exciting, the splashing or the fact that she got to be in the middle of the street.
After all the jumping, her and Mike had a mini scream fest.  We have been working really hard on learning what are good noised to make inside and what are good outside noises.  She really wanted to scream, so outside they went.  And boy did they scream!  And came in super happy.  I'm not sure who enjoyed it more.

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