Monday, September 16, 2013


99.9% of the time, Reagan is the most laid back, happy, easy going baby ever.  But watch out for that other 0.01%.  It is fierce.  Such as her determination not to eat from a spoon at times.  She will shake her head no so violently you would think it would hurt.  Last time she did this it was over a bite of my blizzard.  Or if you are carrying her and she wants's going to take all your efforts to hold onto all 19 lbs of her because she is going to fight you. And most importantly, don't take her food away.  She is always the last one done eating dinner.  I was told she threw a royal fit when Grandma took her burrito away at Taco Time last week.  Apparently she wasn't done with it.

Currently, she doesn't play with any of her toys.  Unless they are put away in some sort of container.  Then the only way she "plays" with them is to pull them all out and dump them on the floor. 

She puts everything in her mouth and pulls up on everything to walk around.  A really bad combination when in the bathroom.  The toilet is the perfect height to pull up on, and then there is this really fun water to splash in.  She has dumped things into the toilet as well.  Let's just say that we will be going to the hardware store and buying a new toilet seat that has a lid as soon as we can.  The other day was particularly bad.  She pooped out a googly eye in the morning, splashed in the toilet, ate dirt, and chewed on a slug.  This kid is into things, and she finds them quickly. 

I think she is going to keep us on our toes!

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